Your job is to win.
Justice is God's problem.
-sebastian stark (shark)-
I actually like blue..but orange casts more energy
Bertekad nonton dari semenjak film ini dibuat, akhirnya Jum’at lalu tercapailah cita-cita untuk menikmati keindahan salah satu ciptaan Tuhan, that is the Sexiest Man Alive on Earth himself (:D).
Menyaksikan film ini saya banyak mengernyitkan dahi. Bukan karena bingung atau gak ngerti jalan ceritanya, tapi karena berpikir, “Hah?? Begitu doang??”. Film ini gampang ketebak, istilah saya, ‘gak challenge’.. Kalau tujuannya film roman, saya setuju sama teman saya, Roman Picisan! Ada beberapa kenalan yang menyamakan film ini dengan Gone With The Wind. Well, bagi insan perfilman jaman dahulu kala memang Gone With The Wind adalah superb! Tapi haree geneee??
Kalaupun tujuannya mengangkat tema ‘penindasan’ suku Aborigin juga tidak terlalu signifikan. Serba tanggung.
Film ini terlalu panjang, sekitar 2.5 jam lebih. Ada beberapa moment di mana saya berdo’a di salam hati, “please, just finish it!” (jadi agak-agak teringat waktu nonton TDK..:P). Bukan karena bosan (yang sepertinya gak akan bosan, karena ada mas-mas Wolverine di film ini), tapi karena ceritanya makin dibuat-buat (sinetron banget deh rasanya), bahkan ada beberapa scene yang rasanya kok, India banget! Saya sama sekali tidak merasakan emosi di film ini, di saat ada yang mati, ada yang berpisah, atau pertemuan kembali, semuanya datar.
Casting para pemeran juga semuanya S-T-D. Nicole Kidman, S-T-D, tidak memberikan kualitas akting yang excellent. Saya juga terganggu oleh aktingnya si Brandon Walters as Nullah. And last but not least, Hugh Jackman himself.. well, I have to be very objective about this, he is also.. in his average, but he’s the funniest of all, :P.
Yang patut dipuji adalah cinematography dari film ini. IMHO, I think this is the main purpose yang mau ditunjukkan oleh Baz Luhrmann. Kaya’nya Cuma cinematography-nya aja deh yang bagus di film ini. Lainnya, saya cukup menikmati chemistry Nicole Kidman dengan Hugh Jackman. Apalagi di saat awal-awal mereka masih cela-cela’an.
Ada moment-moment yang bikin saya dan teman-teman terbahak-bahak, moment roman picisan, moment India, moment keluar dari asap dan Hugh Jackman himself. Bukan karena dia lucu’, tapi kami baru menyadari, kalau di setiap scene-nya, Jackman seperti otomatis berpose bak model, dari mulai gaya berdiri, mengendarai kuda, duduk, banyak deh.. (sampe sekarang gue masih ketawa sendiri ngebayanginnya, :D). Apalagi waktu adegan mandi, di saat nyiram air dari ember, hyahahahaha!! As Jackman himself said, “it’s too dramatic”. (Di acara Jimmy Kimmel, dia ngaku kalau dia awalnya gak mau, tapi akhirnya seluruh crew pria ngedukung dia dengan membuka baju mereka, biar Jackman lebih pede..:P beneran gak penting)
OK. There are 2 things for additional. King George the Aboriginese, mengingatkan saya kepada dukun di Lion King (Cuma kata teman, dukun babon di Lion King lebih berguna, hyahahaha). Terakhir, there’s nothing special about the movie itself. Saya yakin, total penjualan tiket film ini didominasi oleh wanita-wanita pecinta Hugh Jackman. (Ladies, please pay good attention when he’s riding a horse and whisper to a horse, -sigh- Dear God!!)
Satisfaction Rate: 50% (15% adalah karena keberadaan Hugh Jackman)
Ide cerita bisa dibilang cukup menarik. Penyampaian cerita juga cukup smart, back and forth, back and forth, namun tidak terlalu rumit. Sayangnya, twist di film ini agak mudah ditebak. Juga kurangnya klimaks jadi kelemahan di sini.
Hal yang paling ditunggu adalah kedua bintang besar, Al Pacino dan Robert De Niro. Setelah 2 film sebelumnya tidak pernah digabungkan dalam satu shoot (rumornya karena feng shui or energy nya terlalu hebat bila disatukan), akhirnya film ini mencetak sejarah.
But guess what??
Nothing special. Mereka sepertinya santai-santai saja, tidak terlalu optimal, atau bahkan terasa kurang serius. Saya kok gak dapet chemistry yang pas ya, antara mereka berdua. Walaupun harus saya akui, tidak optimalnya mereka juga sudah merupakan acting yang bagus. Their average performance is above average for other actors… :D
Jadi, saya bisa menyimpulkan… Those 2 living legends are way too big for this kind of film. Jon Avnet (88 Minutes) fail big time in using those highly potential talents.
Satisfaction Rate: 65% (the ¾ is for Pacino and De Niro)
Satu hal yang lumayan bikin saya ternganga. Di resto sekelas Loewy, masa' tatakan gelasnya dari tissue sih?? Tissue lengkap dengan catatan nomor telpon Loewy yang DITULIS! Yup! Ditulis dengan tinta pulpen warna merah..
Where does all those money go? Gak ada budget buat beli tatakan gelas beneran??
Year-end dinner adalah acara favorit saya dan teman-teman satu divisi di kantor. Selain karena pastinya ditraktir sama sang manager, kami juga rutin melakukan acara tukar kado. Setelah sempat pusing searching for the right restaurant, akhirnya atas dasar usul seorang teman, terpilihlah LOEWY di Oakwood Mega Kuningan, sebuah resto yang ‘katanya’ terkenal karena steak dan wine-nya (walaupun tidak ada di antara kami yang minum wine).
Ketika tiba saat taking order, hal pertama yang mengganggu saya adalah, saya ditolak! What the..??!!
(Setelah selesai taking order seorang teman)
“Mas, saya mau order dong”, saya sampai mengacungkan tangan.
Dijawab, “Nanti dulu mba’”
Di saat kami sedang menikmati makanan, yang mana rasanya standar abis, kami sangat terganggu dengan waiters (lebih dari 3 orang) mondar-mandir mengelilingi meja kami, dan mulai mengangkat piring-piring dan gelas-gelas yang kosong dan juga yang MASIH SEPARUH ISI!!!! Yup! You got that right, people.. ¼ piring saya masih penuh dengan French Fries, tiba-tiba ada waiter yang dengan sigap mau mengangkat piring saya, “Sudah selesai, mba’?” Ya, spontan saya protes, “Belom dong, Mas..Ini
Don’t ever think that is it..
Bertubi-tubi kami dilayani oleh pelayanan buruk LOEWY. Seorang teman pesan Equil dari awal makanan datang, sampai dia selesai makan, itu Equil masih tetap belum tiba. Bahkan beberapa teman yang pesan belakangan, sudah bisa menikmati Equil mereka lebih dulu. Apa sebuah Equil harus diolah terlebih dahulu??!! SUCK No. 3.
O ya, mas waiter yang took our order juga saya nilai sangat tidak professional, dan kampungan (sayangnya saya gak perhatiin namanya). Bukannya berdiri dengan baik dan benar sebagai waiter, tapi dia malah menyandarkan tangannya di senderan bangku 2 orang teman saya. Bayangkannya seperti ini, seperti kita duduk di bangku belakang mobil, dan kita mencondongkan badan kita sambil menyandarkan tangan ke senderan 2 bangku depan untuk ngobrol dengan penumpang di depan. Ya seperti itulah dia itu kemarin. Maksudnya mungkin biar asik, tapi ya gak bangetlah!!!! Gak sopan! SUCK No. 5.
And..about the food.. if they think they have good quality and tasty food, they have to start buying mirrors for themselves. The food is so standard!! With that price.. we surely will chose Hard Rock Café. No brainer for this decision making.
Masih ada beberapa bad services yang mereka berikan kemarin itu. Saya tidak bisa mengingatnya lagi.
But, the ultimate one is….
Ketika Bill sudah dibayar at 19.30, para waiters itu banyak yang berdiri di belakang kami, terkesan seperti ingin ‘mengusir secara halus’. Kami masih santai karena masih mau ngobrol, masih ada beberapa yang menunggu jemputan, dan masih mau foto-foto. Tiba-tiba…
“Maaf mba’, apa sudah selesai? Karena masih banyak yang antri mau makan..”
Sampai teman saya sempat nyeletuk, “Kok diusir sih Mas? Oooo..jadi habis manis sepah dibuang nih?!” Si waiter hanya tersenyum kecut, “Iya mba’, banyak yang antri..”
OK! That is SUCK No. 3 millions.
Oya, sampai depan resto.. tidak ada tuh orang-orang yang antri.
Saya adalah penggemar resto dan dine-in activity. Yang paling saya perhatikan adalah service dari resto tersebut. Saya akan sangat appreciate sebuah resto yang walaupun makannya tidak enak, tapi masih bisa melayani customer dengan sangat baik.
Sampai detik ini, belum pernah saya makan di suatu resto, mahal or murah, dan ‘diusir’ seperti itu. Bahkan makan di warteg juga saya belum pernah tuh diusir. Sebuah resto yang katanya kelas atas, tapi mengusir customernya yang BAYAR. Saya makan di Pizza Hut berjam-jam, di Pisa Café sampai pantat pegal, gak pernah tuh ‘digusur’.
Apakah mereka berpikir, harus mendahulukan customer expatriates? Apakah karena kami mengenakan ‘bright color’ clothes instead of black, brown, grey and white like the other customers? Or is it because we’re too loud?? (catatan: ada yang sama loud-nya dengan rombongan kami). What?? You tell me, LOEWY??
OK, LOEWY.. kalau kalian berpikir kalian adalah resto kelas atas dengan executive customers..well, think again! Executive customers butuh dilayani oleh high class professional waiters, which is so not you.
Satisfaction Rate: 15% (this number is for the Fresh Orange Juice only!)
Mba’ jilbab rapi itu, kenapa ya begitu? Cuma 2500 perak! Itu adalah tariff termurah dari suatu bus di Jakarta. Gak harus bayar 6000 perak kaya’ kalau naik bus AC. Mbok ya, kalo mau protes jangan ke kenek, secara mereka kan juga ngikutin peraturan pemerintah.
Aneh-aneh aja.. kok gak bersyukur itu loh..
- joe scott (flashbacks of a fool) -
Tim Clark earlier this year was quoted as saying the singer wouldn't deliver a new CD to his record label EMI because he was uncertain how the company's new owners would market the album.
However, Clark has since told the BBC a new CD could be released as early as next year.
It will be Williams' first since "Rudebox" dropped in 2006.
"I would certainly hope that a new album will be coming next year. There are never any guarantees but that's what we would hope," Clark told the BBC. "He's been writing and we heard some wonderful stuff. I was with Robbie last week. He was at home and he was writing songs and he played some of them to us. He's in very fine spirits, in very fine form and I think what he's doing sounds really wonderful."
(source: upi.com)
This is like the best news I heard all year long!! (well, besides the the Downey news..)
(source: webwombat)
Wow! He really needs to go back to sing and perform and entertain! 'Cos I think that's what his soul is fulfilled with.. get well, rob!
Not that there won't be plenty of other reasons to see Sherlock Holmes when it opens in November 2009 — Jude Law's turn as Dr. Watson, Rachel McAdams as Holmes' feisty love interest — but Downey will undoubtedly be the main draw for most moviegoers. It's an even safer bet that they'll line up for Iron Man 2, which the actor starts shooting this March for an April 2010 release. After that, he'll play Stark again, this time in The Avengers, a synergistic superhero ensemble project Marvel Comics has in the pipeline for summer 2011. At one point, Downey was even thinking of squeezing in a memoir — ''I banged out a couple of things, which I found cathartic'' — but ultimately he decided not to go there, or anywhere else that might be deemed self-indulgent. ''Beware the passion project,'' he says, talking about the peculiar movies stars often make when they get a little clout. ''It's so predictable: 'Now that I have a hit, I can tell that story about the transsexual horse whisperer!'''
At the rate he's racking them up, Downey could probably get away with a transsexual-horse-whisperer trilogy. Just now, though, he's got his hands full with Mr. Holmes. ''We still haven't figured out what sort of hat he should wear,'' he says. ''Guy Ritchie was hell-bent on me wearing a bowler, but it was more Chaplin than Sherlock Holmes.'' Downey is still teasing out the character, feeling for his shape, and perfecting the accent. ''There's a lot of pressure because of the kudos I got for my voice in Tropic Thunder,'' he says (indeed, there's even talk of a possible long-shot Oscar nomination for his supporting role). He also had to whip himself into shape for the part — Holmes needed to be ripped and buff for today's topless boxing exhibition — while keeping up with his regular holistic regimen of natural tonics and potions. Even here, on the set of Sherlock Holmes, he manages a constant dosage. An assistant holding a black box full of bottles and baggies is always hovering nearby, like a Secret Service agent with the nuclear-code briefcase.
''Oh, they work,'' Downey insists, popping another supplement. ''They definitely work. I'm alive, aren't I? What more proof could you want?''
(source: Entertainment Weekly, by Benjamin Svetkey)
As it turned out, Downey didn't have to worry about Iron Man at all. Its $98.6 million May 2 opening weekend made it the biggest superhero franchise launch since Spider-Man. Downey grins when he remembers the night his numbers came in. ''It's Friday evening, and we're all in a side room at a restaurant in Santa Monica,'' he says. ''And every few minutes the estimates go up. 'The estimate is now 77! The estimate is now 87! The estimate is now 100!' And I'm going crazy because I've had 25 Cokes and three cappuccinos. I'm like, 'Come on, give me another lucky seven! Give me money!''' The euphoria didn't end there. ''About 10 days later, Jon Favreau and I were invited to this dinner with [Paramount CEO] Brad Grey and all these assorted heavyweights,'' Downey continues. ''Jon and I give each other a look, like we were made men or something. Iron Man hadput us in the game.''
IT'S A NIPPY SUNDAY morning at an old shipyard-turned-museum about an hour outside London. An ancient torch-lit tavern has been outfitted with a 19th-century boxing ring, where Downey has been shooting a scene in which he shows off Sherlock Holmes' pugilistic expertise. Judging from the footage playing on the monitor — the shirtless star trading slo-mo blows with a hulking brute twice his size — Downey's version of the detective won't be spending much time puffing a pipe or examining stuff with a magnifying glass. No, this Sherlock has kung fu moves. ''In Arthur Conan Doyle's stories, there are references to the fact that Holmes practiced martial arts,'' notes Downey, wincing while watching the action on the monitor. ''In the books, there's a physical side to the character. So we're just extrapolating from the original material.''
When the talk lands on his career, he reveals that he had hoped for an earlier comeback, with Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang, a savvy, twisty 2005 crime caper costarring Val Kilmer that never found an audience. ''It was going to be my coming-out party, my emergence into 21st-century cinema,'' Downey says, laughing. ''When it tanked, I was heartbroken.'' On the bright side, it did get noticed by director Jon Favreau, who happened to be looking for an actor to play a certain weapons-manufacturing magnate with a thing for Black Sabbath. Downey wanted Iron Man so badly he spent three weeks compulsively rehearsing every conceivable line reading for his audition. ''I had amendments and ancillaries and pop-ups for every part of the scene — if it went off in one direction I could add A, B, or C. It was madness,'' he says, ''but also the most positively reinforced ritual I've ever performed. If Aleister Crowley had a younger brother — it was that type of s---.''
Nabbing the part of the heavy metal fellow was only the beginning of Downey's karmic turnaround. Just before he started shooting Iron Man in March 2007, Stiller — who says he was looking for a ''real actor'' for the part, not a ''comedy guy'' — offered him the role in Tropic Thunder of Kirk Lazarus, an Australian Method actor who undergoes pigment alteration so that he can play an African-American soldier in a big Hollywood blockbuster about Vietnam (''I'm the dude playing the dude disguised as another dude,'' Downey says, quoting a line from the film). The part was so loopy and potentially tasteless — blackface remains the third rail of American comedy — he couldn't resist; he flew to Hawaii to start shooting it in July 2007, two weeks after finishing production on Iron Man. ''It took a lot of courage,'' Stiller says of Downey's dedication to the role. ''I mean, think about it. He had to come to the set every day in full black makeup and play this over-the-top character. Most of the crew hadn't read the script. Nobody knew what was going on. And here comes this white guy in blackface doing the Jeffersons theme song.''
Yet here he is today, on this drizzly October afternoon, padding around a Mayfair mansion so fancy it's got a swimming pool — no joke — in the kitchen. ''Nice, huh?'' Downey says, pausing at the architectural oddity during a tour of his digs. ''I could put a couple of folding cots in here and I'd be all set. That's all I'd need. I could live in the kitchen.'' He's lived in worse. But since court-ordered drug treatment in 2001 — and his marriage to producer Susan Levin in 2005 — Downey has kept ''the bad dog,'' as he refers to his darker side, on a short leash. ''It's not about placating the bad dog — it's about feeding the good dog,'' he says of the struggle. ''You still have to feed the bad dog, but only enough so that the ASPCA doesn't bring you up on charges.''
These days, Downey's drug use is limited to nicotine, along with the brain boosters and other macrobiotic concoctions cluttering his coffee table. But you can still see Downey unleash all his canine energy — not to mention puppy-dog charm — on the screen, even when playing the sorts of roles that don't normally require more from an actor than looking fine in a crime-fighting costume. ''Why did people go see Iron Man?'' asks Downey's Soloist costar Jamie Foxx. ''They went to see Iron Man because Robert Downey Jr. was in it. That's why I went. I saw it at a screening in Beverly Hills. I was sitting next to Warren Beatty, and Warren leaned over and said, 'I've known Downey since he was a kid.' People in this town are really rooting for this guy. Not just because they like him, but because he's great as an actor.''
They must be working. This year, thanks to a series of clever choices, Downey has pulled off one of the smartest second acts in recent showbiz history. After doing just about everything humanly possible to destroy a once-promising career — including spending the better part of a decade in courtrooms and even jail cells — he's finally fulfilling his potential. He's become a movie star. At 43. For starters, he's at the red-hot center of a humongous new action franchise, Iron Man, which has grossed more than half a billion dollars worldwide since opening last May. He followed that in August by doing something few actors have dared since Jolson — blackface — in the Ben Stiller comedy Tropic Thunder, which grossed $110 million. Next spring, he'll be costarring with Jamie Foxx in The Soloist, Atonement director Joe Wright's drama about a journalist who befriends a homeless musical genius he finds pushing a shopping cart around L.A. (Downey's performance was starting to generate Oscar buzz — the most since his nomination for Chaplin in 1993 — but then The Soloist was moved from its November release date to next April.) And now, here in London, there's Warner Bros.' latest franchise launch Sherlock Holmes Guy getting divorced from Madonna — which Downey just started shooting two weeks ago. — directed by that
''Why am I having this year?'' he ponders, chasing down the formula with a swig of mineral water. ''To tell you the truth, I haven't fully digested what's happened to me before, during, and after Iron Man. Tropic Thunder seems like it happened 25 minutes ago. Time is not entirely linear. It's all so associative. If Ben Stiller called me today and said we needed to shoot more scenes, I'd get my jacket and go. But I do know that I don't want to waste any more time. That's why I'm putting my nose to the grindstone. That's why I'm cranking them out.''
- This is the coolest action movie of 2008
- The original soundtrack “another way to die” is also cool
- Is that bald old man with newspaper in the hotel really Sean Connery??
- The coolest part is the Quantum meeting in the Tosca Opera
- Daniel Craig’s tailor, Tom Ford, should definitely get an award!!
- No spoiler picture after credit title, only a direct sentence: “James Bond Will Return" (well, that's obvious)