- hank moody (Californication) -
I actually like blue..but orange casts more energy
Saya tergelitik sama pembahasan kemarin di milis Cinemagsforum. Dari awalnya ngomongin film Wanted sampai akhirnya ‘nyerempet’ ke infotainment Hollywood.
Yup! Wanted. Film yang bikin penasaran banyak moviegoers, termasuk saya. Tapi karena satu hal, saya sama sekali gak berminat untuk nonton, well, at least not in theatre, karena bagi saya personally, akan waste of money. Karena apa??? Karena she-devil is there. I don’t hate her. I just dislike her.
Pembicaraan jadi mengarah ke kenapa she-devil (sori, saya emang gak rela namanya tertera di any post of my blog) dibilang sexy? There’s no sexy about her. Wrong attitude, man! Such an interrupted woman. Saya termasuk yang against dia. Karena bagi saya, Pitt dan Anniston is still the best couple. Stupid Pitt anyway!
Seorang teman sempat bertanya, siapa pasangan seleb favorit saya selain mereka. Well, here they are:
Ross & Rachel (Ross’ love of a lifetime, so sweet)
Big & Carrie (Nobody’s perfect, but they’re perfect for each other)
Chandler & Monica (Chandler’s love and acceptance amaze me)
Warren Beatty & Annette Benning (all-time playboy now is under her skin! That’s incredible)
Sophan Sophiaan (alm) & Widyowati ('til death do them part, literally)
Bruce Willis & Demi Moore (I don’t even care about Kutcher now)
There you go..
Two nights ago, I watched another dvd of Rob’s live in concert. It is always so much fun..watching the concert. He’s always been a major entertainer for me. No other singer, just him. Handsome face, great voice, hilarious dance, very attractive..very attractive!!
And what now? No Robbie anymore, for..I don’t even know how long.
I mean, I listen to his songs everyday! Yes, it’s everyday ladies and gentlemen…! Still hoping he’ll come and have a great show here in my country. But now..with no clue of whether he’ll make a new album or be on tour or whatever, I’ll just have to be satisfied with my mp3 player. Damn it!
(this one goes for all the aliens out there. please just give him sign that you don’t really exist or do exist! and tell him not to chase and find you guys anymore..!)