Kemarin, saya coba nonton film pesenan saya dari Perdana Disc ini. Tapi saya gak terlalu bisa menikmatinya without the English subtitle. Those British accent, too British if I may say. I had to use my headphone to capture every detail conversation. But still.. It’s just too hard.
Chaplin. A biographical film produced in 1992. Starring Robert Downey Jr.
Film ini adalah satu dari beberapa film yang saya kepengen banget punya dvd-nya. Not only because of Downey, but I’m also a fan of Charlie Chaplin. Dulu RCTI pernah rutin menayangkan film-film Chaplin, dan saya suka banget nonton beliau ini. I was a kid, and I love him. Well, I also love Jerry Lewis and the other slapstick kings, Larry, Moe and Curly as the Three Stooges. But Chaplin, he’s the master, a genius. A young Englishman who successfully became one of the greatest comedian in the world before 30. He is a unique personality, a perfectionist. And those talent… it’s just awesome.
And I have to say, Robert Downey Jr is also a genius. His Chaplin acts, made me laugh hard. So smart, so funny. His ability in pronouncing Brit accent, it’s kinda perfect. No wonder he was nominated for The Oscar.
I miss all those Chaplin’s acts..
-this black n white color is to honor Charles Chaplin himself-
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