And recall when your Lord said to the Angels, I am about to place a vice-generate in the earth, they said, "will You place such who will spread disorder and shed blood'? And We praise You commending You and sanctify You; He told, 'I know what you know not' (Al Baqarah 30)
Ingatlah ketika Rabb-mu berfirman kepada para Malaikat: Sesungguhnya Aku hendak menjadikan seorang khalifah di muka bumi. Mereka berkata: "Mengapa Engkau hendak menjadikan (khalifah) di bumi itu orang yang akan membuat kerusakan padanya dan menumpahkan darah, padahal kami senantiasa bertasbih dengan memuji Engkau dan mensucikan Engkau?" Rabb berfirman: "Sesungguhnya Aku mengetahui apa yang tidak kamu ketahui" (Al Baqarah 30)
a regular person, tryin' not to be too perfectionist. an ordinary working class member, tryin' not to be a workaholic. collect various kinds of phobia, equipped with low level of dyslexia, and strongly believe that conspiracies are what make the world crazy. think that Robbie Williams is a true entertainer, a genius song writer and a highly talented singer. i also possess a strong opinion that George Clooney is one of God's finest art creation. my final goal in life is to achieve respectful syahid. and i always grateful for Muhammad The Prophet, my family, my friends, and for what i am..
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