It’s Rockin’ Rolla!
Businessmen, Gangsters, Robbers, Junkies, Accountants, Lawyers are all here! Everybody’s connected with everyone. Everybody’s screwing everyone. A very typical of Guy Ritchie’s movie. It’s Lock, Stock and Two Smokin’ Barrels all over again. Smart, catchy, fast paced, idiotically funny, funny, and funny.
Jujurnya, film Guy Ritchie yang pernah saya tonton hanya Lock, Stock and Two Smokin’ Barrels (baru akan nonton Snatch).Tapi RockRolla ini jauh lebih blo’on. The slapping scene, the stealing car scene, the ‘gay’ scene, the chasing scene, adegan singkat ngomong di microphone (beneran gak penting), adegan gak mati-mati, aduh.. banyak deh. Semua ketololan pria-pria itu mampu bikin saya cekikan tadi malem. Yang juga cool adalah adegan making love-nya Gerry Butler. Please jangan membayangkan dia naked kaya’ di 300 (I wish, :p), tapi di sini beneran dibikin keren, singkat dan padat! Ending part-nya cool, and definitely akan ada sequelnya.
Tom Wilkinson, this highly confident old man selalu bisa membuat saya terpana. Mark Strong as Archibald (duh, tampannya!), his a bit sexy voice narrates the movie. Jeremy Piven, walopun kurang banyak porsinya dan biasa aja actingnya, tapi teteup saya cinta. Gerry, oh Gerry.. sumpah dia tolol abis di sini (saya ngetik ini aja masih sambil ketawa sendiri, ngebayangin adegan demi adegan dia yang banyak gak pentingnya).
Pure British, a really excellent guys’ movie. Very entertaining! Can’t wait for the sequel and Ritchie’s Holmes.
Cool lines:
“Ask no question, hear no lies” (Archie)
“That’s the thing about greed, arch, it’s blind. And it doesn’t know when to stop” (Lenny)
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