"You're in a comfort zone. It's dangerous. You have to get out and seek new challenge"
Have you ever hear that? That's the quote I heard sometimes from some friends.
Now, what's wrong with comfort zone? This one tickles me. Aren't we, humans, looking for happiness?
Let me put it this way. You come into a new environment, automatically, you will have to adjust. Some adjust easily, some not, and others fail. For people who successfully adjust to the new environment, they will somehow find comfort in their own way. Either they are comfort with other people, or with the activities, or the system, you name it.
Guess what you will find when you're already comfort in something? Say what? Happiness?? Yes!
Sometimes I wonder, why some people say comfort zone is a dangerous place. They say, one cannot move forward if he or she is already in it. No motivation, no strong will to excel, no challenge, blah blah blah. Well, they got a point in some way. Like, when you're comfort, you feel enough, no need to achieve more.
But, for me, challenge is something you can create on your own, whenever, wherever. I work in one place for 7 years now. Yes, Seven!! But so what? I feel comfort here. I like my job and I love the people I work with. I'm comfort, I'm happy. But is it everyday? Everytime? My answer would be, No.
I don't feel comfort with some people here, the silly rules of my company, and sometimes with the routine activities. Now that is the perfect timing for me to challenge myself. How can I pass those things? How will I cope with those people? What kind of solution I will take for every problem occurs, etc etc.
For those who thinks that comfort zone doesn't create challenge, please do think again. Because the way I see it, the challenge that you take in a non-comfort zone is the challenge that given by somebody else. You know, challenging yourself is fun, it's your own target.
What are you trying to search in life anyways when you are busy hopping from one place to another? Oh well, it's just an opinon.
God gives us a simple life, why ruin it?
Just don't judge!