Hello blog, how are you? it's been a long time for sure. Last entry was on November 2009, and that was only a shout, a proud shout if I may say, not even a blog.
Always felt like a piece of me missing..
Actually, this happens to many people with blogs. They join Facebook or Twitter and seem cannot manage to find time or the will to write things on their blogs.
If you ask me, I blame Twitter instead of Facebook, tho the only one to blame is myself ;p. While Facebooking, there were times when I still had the chance to blog. But when I join Twitter, the eagerness and passion to blog just disappear. Twitter allows people to express themselves, they call it micro blogging. Yea, it's Micro alright, only 140 characters, so we have to be creative in expressing our thoughts in that amount of characters.
But come to think of it, blogging makes us think more than just making 'titles' on twitter. It requires us to elaborate. So, yea... i'll try to blog again.