Monday, May 26, 2008

"The Fat Dancer From Take That"

OK. Agak berlebihan mungkin kalo saya bilang, this is one of my biggest fear. Tapi berita yang saya terima belakangan ini memang agak mencemaskan buat saya.

It’s Robbie Williams..

Awal saya tahu kalau Robbie punya high interest untuk Aliens, UFO dan saudara-saudaranya, reaksi saya masih.. “Well, ok. That’s fine”. Tapi ketika saya tahu kalau Robbie tidak punya keinginan untuk bikin album apalagi going for a tour di tahun 2008 ini (dan mungkin next year juga), baru deh.. panick attack kecil-kecilan saya tiba.

Let me quote some of his words. Ini saya kutip dari tulisan dia dari suatu blog yang memang specially dedicated to Robbie:

” I was with a friend who was lying next to me on another sun lounger and we were both staring upwards. From what I remember, an object flew over us at about 200 to 300 ft high…it may have been higher I don’t know. It was definitely black with yellow stripes underneath. Now, I’m not sure if it was square or triangle, but I do remember that it made absolutely no noise whatsoever. My friend and I both saw it. I don’t know why, but I had a hunch it was one of ours.In addition to this sightening, there was another very strange occurance I witnessed one Friday night about 5 months ago. My friends and I were playing a song called Arizona (about ufo’s) that we had written. It was dusk and, suddenly, a big ball of light appeared over the san fernando valley. We were standing on my balcony at the time. When the song finished it disappeared …….when we played it again it came back on…once again, when the song finished it disappeared…….this happened 4 times”

Itu hanya sekelebat dari banyak tulisan dia mengenai aliens, UFO, dan kawan-kawannya. Bahkan dia sampai bikin documentary on sightings! Fine Rob, I know that ‘U Believe’, but please don’t make this as path (??)

Jadi sepertinya… masih jauh dari harapan nih, kalau berharap dia akan datang dalam waktu dekat ke Indonesia..(sedih).

Oh ya, by the way, beliau ini juga lagi asik pacaran sama new girlfriend-nya, a not-so-famous actress, Ayda Field. And also, he develops lots of additional fat in his body..huahahaha… (mengutip celaannya Noel Gallagher buat Robbie, “The Fat Dancer From Take That”).

"TARIF Rp 6000"

Pagi ini saya dikagetkan sama secarik kertas yang ditempel di atas kaca depan bis yang saya tumpangi. Secarik kertas yang hanya bertuliskan “TARIF Rp 6000” itu membuat saya tertegun sejenak. Wow! Udah naik aja nih harga. Walaupun saya sudah sangat menduga, kenaikan akan terjadi sooner or later.

Tidak ada keinginan untuk melayangkan protes ke pemerintah, paling sih hanya sekedar sedikit mengutuk pemerintah (hehe..). Mungkin bisa dibilang, kalau saya ini jadi agak skeptical. Yah, terserahlah.. masih banyak hal yang lebih penting yang bisa saya kerjakan dibanding saya harus makan hati melawan system yang memang sudah bobrok dan korup.

Bagi saya, kejadian-kejadian seperti ini adalah pemicu supaya saya lebih kreatif lagi, lebih gesit, dan yang pasti..lebih banyak bertawakal.

Saya orang yang percaya, bahwa mahluk yang dizholimi akan mendapatkan kebaikan lebih dari yang ia harapkan.

Oh well..

Thursday, May 22, 2008

i want love

The video suddenly disappeared.. vanished from the earth of youtube. Dunno, probably a request by Robert (??). I'm still trying to locate another site.

Elton John Lyrics
I Want Love Lyrics

those funny pips!!

American Idol re-run last night in Starworld had got me crazy! Nope.. bukan announcement-nya -yang thanks a lot to Djoko Pantoen, saya udah dikasih kejutan pagi-pagi karena dia udah nonton yang live aja gitu!!- tapi salah satu video klip yang mereka buat di hampir penghujung acara.

Gladys Knight & Her Pips!! I thought, what t’hell was that?? O well, saya pikir, biasalah.. Amerika memang punya high appreciation buat tokoh-tokoh legenda mereka.

But hey! Who are they?? I mean, The Pips! Am I seeing Jack Black there?? And Ben Stiller?? Who’s the other guy??? Otak saya berpikir keras.. I’ve heard about this before. Jack Black.. Ben Stiller.. Mereka akan main di upcoming movie, what’s that called? Yess, Tropic Thunder!

Berarti… huahahahahahaha!! It’s Robert Downey Jr!!!!!

Mohon diperhatkan di videonya, dia satu-satunya yang paling lentur dari yang lainnya. Sumpah lucu’ dan…GAK PENTING BANGEEEETT!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

PS I Love You

Baru bulan lalu saya nonton film ini. Memang rada telat. But It’s a very wise decision for me. Saya gak ngebayang kalau sampai nonton di bioskop. Bakalan malu tiada tara sepertinya.

Yup! This is the only movie that drowns me in tears (hyperbolically). Kalau dilihat dari segi cerita, PS I Love You bukanlah film dengan cerita hebat dan istimewa. Bahkan menurut saya casting untuk pemeran utama wanita, Hillary Swank, di film ini adalah a big mistake! Well, although everyone else plays good in the movie. Gerard Butler was so playful and funny, Lisa Kudrow dengan khas Phoebe nya, bahkan Harry Conick Jr juga bermain bagus di sini.

Sebenarnya saya masih mencari tau, kenapa saya bisa semi hysterical nonton film ini. Tapi 95% is because the guy is Gerard Butler. And I’m pretty sure of it!

Cook triumphs over Archuleta on 'American Idol'

Grown-up rocker David Cook has triumphed over smooth-voiced teen David Archuleta to become the new "American Idol."

While Archuleta was heaped with praise by the judges the night before, the voters decided otherwise -- and it wasn't even close. Host
Ryan Seacrest said during Wednesday's show that 12 million votes was the difference.

Cook was overcome by emotion, bending toward the stage after his name was announced.
"This is amazing," he said. "This is all your fault," he added, addressing the brother who Cook had accompanied to the "Idol" audition that started it all.

Cook immediately took the microphone and began to sing "Time of my
Life," which won the annual "Idol songwriting competition."